Do you look forward to die?

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Do you look forward to die?

Post by RRS »

This was one of the questions asked to former president Jimmy Carter in his recent interview. He is 87 and has spent more than 30 years in Evangelical/missionary activities and his faith may have prepared him to be not afraid of death. He is near end than beginning but still the audacity of this question made me cringe.

I cringed because does anyone look forward to die? Is it worthy question to ask to an individual however old he/she may be especially when it is printed in national media were my initial thoughts.

But after a deep thinking, the question didn't seem outrageous. What if a family has history of early/premature deaths, does asking this question to self an acknowledgement of the inevitable and makes it less cringe worthy?

Looking for a philosophical debate and people who have aversion to such topics can ignore this thread : ) Appreciate if people can discuss whether there is logical/scientific basis for Near Death Experience (NDE) or whether it's just a hallucination.
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