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obsession towards Western Countries - Still Exists?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:16 pm
by venkat786
Today's developing story a BJP MP pushing a women to toronto in place of his wife for 35 lakhs.

Recently, a gujarathi women paid 25 lakhs to move to USA by 'fake' marriage to a US Citizen.
She was cought in HYD airport.

H-1 quota over in a matter of hours.

And, there are bunch of people (many membes here ...)who are going back India.

Does the 'mass' still has a illusion that stepping in to western countries will
make their life !!!

In spite of growing opportunities and booming economy, why India is not
a attractive proposition to these folks.

obsession towards Western Countries - Still Exists?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:51 pm
by realentity
There are 2 reasons for the H1 quota getting over in a couple of hours.
1. Indian IT companies (TCS, Infosys, Wipro...) want to send their employees on-site to capture more clients. So they sponsored H1bs for most of their employees this year.
2. Most Indian women have good jobs in India today. When these women get married to guys on H1 and come here on H4, they too feel like having a career like most of their friends in India so the husbands apply for H1 visas.

The grass is always greener on the other side. So folks in India think there are plenty of jobs awaiting them here. Desi consulting companies also give them the false impression that they will make a fortune as soon as landing here.

Most of us who are moving back to India have made our money here and now want to spend some quality time with family and enjoy festivals... Most of us have been away from home a long time. So, now we desire to R2I. :)

obsession towards Western Countries - Still Exists?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:07 pm
by Jaggudada
It seems like you go in a full circle here. When we first came to this country the buildings, bridges, roads, lakes, resorts, cities, credit cards, everything automatic thrilled us.

Now the college shootouts, gun culture, drugs, binge drinking, suspicious treatment, lack of social connection, cold weather, dwindling job market cripples us.

obsession towards Western Countries - Still Exists?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:48 pm
by ash_r2i
I don't this obsession will ever go down. At least not until the social and financial imbalances are corrected.

India is growing, but the growth is benefitting a very small percentage of population. We tend to see this as the measure of how the country is progressing. However, the ground reality is different.

There are a lot of good paying IT jobs; however the quality of life is deteriorating also. A good friend of mine moved from BLR to London just so that he could lead a better life. Not that he was not doing well in India financially or career-wise, he just thought that he needs to lead a better life. And you have others, who are not blessed enough :) to be in the IT industry, they don't earn well; see some friend or relative abroad doing well and yearn to go abroad at the drop of a hat.

obsession towards Western Countries - Still Exists?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:18 pm
by r2i_100
I completely agree, even when India is growing at fast pace there are no short visa lines or less H-1 applications (rather they have increased). Guess, now people are more aware of opportunities abroad and that adds to the obsession.
The quality of life (no offense to R2I aspirants) in US is also one of the major contributers.

obsession towards Western Countries - Still Exists?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:02 am
by Old-Spice2
>>>The quality of life (no offense to R2I aspirants) in US is also one of the major contributers.

More than quality of life, it is the higher earnings and savings in Western countries that attract people. Also remember the country's population is increasing rapidly. Many folks are moving from countryside to the cities in search of jobs.

At the same time, one of my IIM friend working for large MNC bank said they are having tough time in recruiting MBA from India to Singapore and Dubai. Many of them are taking up jobs in India as the pay difference is not that big. People with top notch qualifications are making same amount as someone working overseas. For folks with average degrees, West or anywhere outside India looks more attractive.

obsession towards Western Countries - Still Exists?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:27 am
by realentity
More than quality of life, it is the higher earnings and savings in Western countries that attract people. .[/quote]

Higher savings happen when a person is single. After getting married the savings go down. After kids, the savings diminish and become almost non-existent.

obsession towards Western Countries - Still Exists?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:49 am
by LLLLWhenR2I
The lure, facination of west is still very widespread. IT people have seen their days and now the fine details of living abroad are spread to so many including your servent in India. As mera naseeb said that Gas station worker having a car can lure to anyone in that status.

Note that people who are average or below average in US sing multiple songs about US whereas an above average guy (aka IT) and within that category too, a limited people know the in and out bounds of the society in US and make rational decision and stories.

For an average Indian given the opportunity, he will immediately pack the bags for western world.

I recall a joke from Jay Leno:
A poll was conducted in Mexico about given an opportunity how many will cross the border. - Only 30%. WHY?

The remaining 70% are already here....:emsmile:

obsession towards Western Countries - Still Exists?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:58 am
by LoveIndia
As long as Dollar/Pound/Euro parity to Rupee exists in the ratio of 1:42/85/60 - Millions of our folks back home want to venture to west. However, if the parity reduces dramatically when Re. appreciates, then folks will stay back home.

obsession towards Western Countries - Still Exists?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:40 am
by vijay
thats nothing, forget the blue collar in India, talk about educated folks, my in-laws are dead against us R2Iing and are brain washing my wife about the ills of Inida, they have nothing good to say, when they say we will adjust to traffic etc, now they are saying think about your kids ie reservation in colleges will soon be 50%, I am fighting a loosing battle