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Infraction policy

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 6:44 am
by DosaiLvr

Let's use this thread to create and review the infraction policy.

Infraction policy

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 7:11 am
by DosaiLvr
Previous comments...


I posted 981 to keep the topic under discussion open-ended for subsquent actions on MNR2I if any. Bobus is right, one can't make an attack and then simply retract saying that I did not mean it that way.


We could establish guideline to handle the tangential/snide attacks by keeping track of the no. of attacks made and issue a ban once a member crosses a set limit.

A simple thumb rule could be 2 or more snide remarks to the Admin (in a month) will invite TGTC or demotion or ban.

Repeat this in 6 months and you invite a ban/permanent ban


RRK;78264seems to be a good idea. We can use infraction system to keep track.
Let us announce zero tolerance policy on attacks of admin team.
Constructive feedbacks are welcome.

first attack is deleted and one day ban issued.
second attack within 6 months, permanent ban.[/quote]


I was wondering if an infraction accrual policy as shown below is reasonable and fair.

1) Deliberately discrediting the forum -- 10 pts (immediate ban)
2) Being a threat to the forum (competitor) -- 10 pts (immediate ban)

3) Attacks on Admins -- 5 pts
4) Attacks on other members -- 5 pts
5) Gratituous swearing -- 2 pts
6) Spamming -- 2 pts
7) Disrupting serious discussion w/ inane posts -- 2pts

An aggregate of 10 pts w/ in a 6 month period would result in a short ban.

Items 1 and 2 would result in an immediate as well as permanent ban

Please comment on the time periods, scoring and the severity of punishment[/quote]

RRK;78521Let me see if the system can display infractions to the members or admin while browsing the forum.

Also there should be expiration of these points.

A point deduction/month ?[/quote]

Desi;78524I am OK with this, I think we should put this in FAQ as well as in AMC.

I can put in FAQ after we have finalized this.

2) Being a threat to the forum (competitor) -- 10 pts (immediate ban)

I would word the above as

2) Advertisements of competing forums -- 10 pts (immediate ban)

Some defintions of following should be considered:

"short ban" = what? 2 days, 5 days, admin discretion?

Second short ban would be one month.
Third short ban would be one year.
Fourth short ban would be - Ten years:p

Suri and I were discussing the issue of HKM, MNR2I and discussed some of the comments on R2Iclub operations, IP addresses and I think we should also put these in FAQ. I can ferret them out of AMC and post in FAQ.


DosaiLvr;78578Can the infraction feature be turned off for the regular members?[/quote]

We can set it up such that only mods can issue infractions..

vB has some defaut values for infractions,

Spammed Advertisements 1 10 Day(s)
Insulted Other Member(s) 1 10 Day(s)
Signature Rule Violation 1 10 Day(s)
Inappropriate Language 1 10 Day(s)

you can read more here:

full user manual here:[/quote]

Infraction policy

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:15 pm
by DosaiLvr
Ranking the violations on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being severe) seems natural. By sticking to a well designed infraction policy we will be allowing the members to set their own course of action to stay within limits or set themselves up for a ban.

If we implement this as I have proposed earlier, someone like CD, based on todays caution served to him in the AMC, would have racked up 5 points in one shot. Another inadvertent violation (within 6 months) would set him up for a ban... seems overly harsh and counter-productive.

From my observation, the TAT is a tolerant group and tends to give a long rope (which is how it should be), keeping this in mind, I propose this rankig system. Verbiage/category can be massaged...

(Brown font = category)

1) Traitor - Deliberately discrediting the forum -- 10 pts (immediate ban)

2) Enemy - Being a threat to the forum (competitor) -- 10 pts (immediate ban)

3) Tough Guy - Attacks on Admins -- 5 pts

4) Deliberate personal attack on another member -- 3 pts

5) Low life - Tangential attack / snide remark - 4 pts

6) Asking another member to shutup or berating another member - 2 pts.

7) Gratituous swearing -- 2 pts

8) Spamming -- 2 pts

9) Doctor J (:D )- Disrupting serious discussion w/ inane posts -- 2pts

An aggregate of 10 pts would result in a 2 day ban.

3 strikes (bans) w/ in a span of 12 months and your are out for good.

W/ this system a member would have to rack up 10 points to get a 2 day ban and work hard - rack up 30 points w/ in 12 months to get booted out.

This I believe would give the admins enough lee way to warn disrupting members as well give them ample opportunity to fix themselves before getting banned.

Comments, pls.

Infraction policy

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:15 am
by RRK
We will discuss more during my visit..

Infraction policy

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:14 am
by RRK

I want to use a simple system with least options. I wanted to discuss this during my bangalore trip. but couldn't.

6 points gets immediate ban

4 points gets restricted access - no pm, no access to r2i & finance threads

infraction, points, days for expiration

Thread hijack ; points 1; 10 days
Posting classifieds in wrong forum ; points 1; 10 days

Spammed Advertisements-Level 1 ; points 2 ; 1 month

Insulted Other Member(s) ; points 2; 1 month

Insulted Admin member/team ; points 3 ; 1 month

Inappropriate Language ; points 2; 1 month

Signature Rule Violation ; points 2; 1 month

Advertising for competitor : 4 points; 2 months ;

Level 2 Spammer : 6 points; immediate ban, permanent
( those who spam having less than 10 posts in their account)

Infraction policy:
1) Only Admin can issue infractions.
2) If member accumulate 3 points, there access will be restricted automatically.
- No PM, no emails
- Can't start new thread,
- can't add/download attachment
- no avatars
3) Once 3 points are spent over time, they will have access restored automatically.

How do we avoid two admin members issuing infraction to the same crime ?

Infraction policy

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:19 pm
by DosaiLvr

I like the way you have grouped them. Only suggestion from my side is that:

Class 1 - should rack up 1 pt, Class 2 should rack up 2 pts and so on. This would make it easy for us to remember the type of violation and the penalty.

W/ this in mind I have made some suggestions. Comments and think aloud questions to be addressed are in blue

Class-1 -- 1 Point -- Expires in 10 days
Hijack ;
Classifieds related (posting in wrong forum; not posting in the MT etc)

Acronym - HiClass

Class-2 -- 2 Points -- Expires in 1 month
Spam (2 pts per post or per day? 3 posts will get the guy out for good. Most spammers will be out w/ their 1st attempt )

Language - Inappropriate (CoC guideline and TAT judgement)

Signature Violation (CoC guidelines)

Insinuations (How do we review/judge this?)

Insulted Other Member(s) (How do we judge this? Recently, ILuvHyd did not find Going_Nowhere's comment on his spouse offensive, which is fine by me. However, it is a CoC violation and I tagged Going_Nowhere...)

Unneccessay Harshness - (Bobos better watch out :eek: :) )

Acronym - ???

Class-3 -- 3 Points -- Expires in 1 month
Insulted Admin or TAT

Class-4 -- 4 Points -- Expires in 2 months
Advertising for competitor or for any external business;

Class - 5 -- 5 Points (no entries at this time)

Class - 6 -- 6 points - immediate ban, permanent (Is this redundant?)
( those who spam having less than 10 posts in their account)

Infraction policy

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:24 pm
by DosaiLvr
How do we avoid two admin members issuing infraction to the same crime ?

Do we have a dummy member-id against who we can throw infractions and test? I believe DB had created a dummy, Kallu/Lallu?

I think infraction mgmt sys allows comments. It may also show the date that an infraction was handed.

Alternatively, we should post in the infraction thread *before* handing anyone an infraction... this will prevent us from tripping over one another.

Infraction policy

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:42 pm
by RRK

Language - Inappropriate & Insulted Other Member(s)

may cover the following :
- Insinuations (How do we review/judge this?)
- neccessay Harshness - (Bobos better watch out :eek: :) )

This system is only under trial, and see how it works out, before we build more sections for violations. I dont think we need to be "techinically correct" about violations. Let us use broad brush for now.

Only admin and the offending member can see the infractions now. It is like our little "police" diary.

Also let us not bother about two admins bumping on each other. I think the system can handle that. We have to click the particular post to issue violation.
I think it will display if a violation has been issued ticket already..

Let us try out this and improve as we go along.

Except for insults and inappropriate language, I think any admin can issue ticket immediately.(because it is not subjective).
For subjective violations, let us use any two admin to agree on violation before issuing ticket.

Infraction policy

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:14 am
by Admin1

I issued an infraction to MINDIA just now.

I see you have incorporated our pts system in the infraction panel - very nice.

Do we want to announce the new infraction policy to the members at some time?


Infraction policy

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:45 am
by RRK
If you have couple of minutes, pls post our policy in AMC and announcements thread. Let us see how this works out.