How safe are bank locker contents if banks fail
Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 2:41 pm
It's an old thread, but wanted to alert readers out there..
Make SURE the locker has proper nomination if the holder passes away it will be a nightmare to get the bank to open it. It has taken us over 4 years of running pillar to post, from bank legal teams, RBI, court probate proceedings and over Rs1Lac to even to open the locker just for valuation purposes. Indian bank protocols border on the most unethical practices I have come across.
Make SURE the locker has proper nomination if the holder passes away it will be a nightmare to get the bank to open it. It has taken us over 4 years of running pillar to post, from bank legal teams, RBI, court probate proceedings and over Rs1Lac to even to open the locker just for valuation purposes. Indian bank protocols border on the most unethical practices I have come across.