R2I Club Members Meeting This Month (September 2012)
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:22 pm
So are we all in agreement to meet at the below location. Please indicate your choice of date via poll.
This is very close to Bhanashankari Bus Stand in fact walking distance from the bus stand. There is an Adigas Fast Food right opposite to this CCD. From bus stand it's about 500 mts and an easy 6-8 minutes of walk. People coming from various locations can take Volvo buses (201R, 500C, 500D), many volvo bus starts/ends from here and they ply to ITPL, Hebbal, Electronic City etc.... You can find Volvo bus details here (http://www.bmtcinfo.com/site/BSBusSe...?bsserviceid=2). People coming from far (North, East, West Bangalore) would definitely find ride in Volvo very comfortable and it would be a great experience.[URL="https://maps.google.co.in/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Cafe+Coffee+Day+-+Jayanagar+5th+Block,+Bangalore,+Karnataka&aq=4&oq=Cafe+coffee+day&sll=12.953997,77.63094&sspn=1.387826,1.674042&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&hq=Cafe+Coffee+Day+-&hnear=5th+Block,+Jayanagar,+Bangalore,+Bengaluru,+Karnataka&t=m&fll=12.939026,77.581801&fspn=0.043373,0.052314&st=109146043351405611748&rq=1&ev=zi&split=1&num=10&z=15&iwloc=A&cid=4900824014402658747"]
Cafe Coffee Day[/URL]
40th Cross, Basavangudi
Bangalore, Karnataka
This is very close to Bhanashankari Bus Stand in fact walking distance from the bus stand. There is an Adigas Fast Food right opposite to this CCD. From bus stand it's about 500 mts and an easy 6-8 minutes of walk. People coming from various locations can take Volvo buses (201R, 500C, 500D), many volvo bus starts/ends from here and they ply to ITPL, Hebbal, Electronic City etc.... You can find Volvo bus details here (http://www.bmtcinfo.com/site/BSBusSe...?bsserviceid=2). People coming from far (North, East, West Bangalore) would definitely find ride in Volvo very comfortable and it would be a great experience.[URL="https://maps.google.co.in/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Cafe+Coffee+Day+-+Jayanagar+5th+Block,+Bangalore,+Karnataka&aq=4&oq=Cafe+coffee+day&sll=12.953997,77.63094&sspn=1.387826,1.674042&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&hq=Cafe+Coffee+Day+-&hnear=5th+Block,+Jayanagar,+Bangalore,+Bengaluru,+Karnataka&t=m&fll=12.939026,77.581801&fspn=0.043373,0.052314&st=109146043351405611748&rq=1&ev=zi&split=1&num=10&z=15&iwloc=A&cid=4900824014402658747"]
Cafe Coffee Day[/URL]
40th Cross, Basavangudi
Bangalore, Karnataka