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Cost of Living in Bangalore (Family of Four)

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:17 am
by back2desh
Any idea what would be the typical monthly expenses for a family of four (housband, wife and 2 kids) in Bangalore based on the following parameters:

1. Single income (husband only working) and wife homemaker taking care of house/kids.
2. Working in IT area.
3. Kids going to moderate school mid-end International School or DPS or other traditional type of school.
4. Plan to use office bus for commute instead of CAR or BIKE.
5. Normal and contended living (not much luxuries, joining club, going to pub/bar/hotels frequently, plan to get all the work done by husband/wife (no servant maid/driver etc...).
6. Own a CAR for weekend activity only (grocery, visit family/friends/temples/concerts etc.)
7. Maximize savings for retirement and children higher education.
8.. Rent 3 or 4 bedroom apartment/house, no plan to purchase or own a property. Is it a disadvantage to not to own a property versus renting? I am not sure, my thought on this is to avoid any head-ache with property. I have a property outside Bangalore that I plan to live in after retirement.

Appreciate if anyone can share some information on this, since i have lived in US for over 15 years and since then things have changed a lot in India so I would like to get some information on cost of living.


Cost of Living in Bangalore (Family of Four)

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:40 am
by venkat_at_tn
Just one suggestion for you to think over...

If you plan not owning a property, then the flat/houseowners might ask you to leave apartment every 2-3 years.i have seen that with some of my friends. So better to own a budget apartment.

Cost of Living in Bangalore (Family of Four)

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:46 pm
by mkitvp
I am with you there and would very much appreciate any help on this topic as well. Planning to relocate to Bangalore or Chennai if I can get a job in there :-)

Cost of Living in Bangalore (Family of Four)

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:08 pm
by direstraits88
Always start with a "search" in the forum... It's more likely that someone has already gone your question/dilemma.