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NGO for teaching poor kids in Chennai

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:28 pm
by R2IFinal2010

I am willing to work as a volunteer for teaching poor kids in Chennai. Can someone guide me to such NGO's? List of such NGOs?

Thank you.

NGO for teaching poor kids in Chennai

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:26 pm
by farfromhome

I am willing to work as a volunteer for teaching poor kids in Chennai. Can someone guide me to such NGO's? List of such NGOs?

Thank you.

Member pazham from this forum has been involved with this organization in Chennai ( ). You can try to contact him.

We also need VOLUNTEERS To help with administrative work, field work, to lecture, teach, provide feedbacks, and in any other ways that they can help us. Please do talk to us.

Link :