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Applicability of US Tax Convention with India?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:50 am
by ramnath
I came to US on H1B in 2008 and am currently on H1B. I have a home in India. I am living in a rental apartment in US. For 2009, I resided in US for full year. I have rental income from my Indian property.

Whether the US Tax Convention with India is applicable in my case?

If yes, according to Article 6 of US Tax Convention with India, whether the rental income from my home in India is to be taxed only in India and not in US.

Further, while in India I was working for a Govt company. I received some salary arrears for 2007 and 2008 in 2009. Again, whether this income is not to be taxed in US as per Article 19 of US - Tax Convention with India.

On the other hand, please confirm that the interest and capital gain from India is taxable in US.

I will be highly thankful for this guidance.
