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How to use Tax losses without impacting Wash Sale Rule ?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:37 pm
by RRK
A crisis, like a market crash, gives rise to an opportunity, like a tax dodge.
The tax strategy of the moment is a form of loss harvesting, wherein you sell loser stocks to get the tax deduction. Act now to seize the opportunity. It may not last for long.

Selling into a crash is a tricky business. If you don?t know what you?re doing, you could get hurt either of two ways. You could get whipsawed by the market or your deduction could be challenged by the IRS.
But if you do know what you?re going, you get a big tax benefit at a small risk of damage to your portfolio.

To illustrate the problem, I?ll assume for the moment that you own just one stock, Adobe Systems, and that you?re under water. You bought $10,000 worth of shares at the end of 2010. As of the Aug. 5 close you would be sitting on a paper loss of 15%.
If you sell now for $8,500, you have a $1,500 capital loss. But now you have a dilemma. The IRS ?wash sale? rule says that in order to claim that loss you have to stay out of the stock for 30 days.

This is risky. What if Adobe rebounds during the month you?re on the sidelines? Then you get whipsawed. Your tax trade painfully turns a temporary loss into a permanent one.
It doesn?t work to double up and then immediately sell the high-cost shares you bought in December. The wash sale rule applies if you are buying similar shares within 30 days before or after selling the high-cost shares.
It?s tough to beat the wash sale rule if you own only one stock. But if you have a diverse portfolio, there?s a way out.

So let?s change our assumptions. You own a lot of stocks, some winners and some losers. Your eight worst performers, all bought at the end of last year, are two tech stocks, Adobe and Hewlett-Packard; two financials, Bank of New York Mellon and Wells Fargo; two miners, Vale and Freeport-McMoran; and two manufacturers, Eaton Corp. and Emerson Electric.

If you had put $10,000 into each of these your $80,000 investment would be worth just under $65,000 now.

Here?s the strategy. In each pair, sell one loser and buy more of the other loser. You could sell your Adobe for $8,500 and simultaneously buy $8,500 more of Hewlett. You might unload the Vale and double up on the Freeport, and so on.
Wait 31 calendar days. Then reverse your August trades. Sell the high-cost lot of Hewlett (the shares you bought last December) and use the proceeds to replace the missing Adobe position. Sell the high-cost lot of Freeport shares and get back into Vale, and so on.

If the market goes sideways for the next month, you?ll wind up with $15,000 of capital losses. I?ll explain in a moment how valuable those losses are. But first let?s consider the portfolio risk.

This is a market-neutral strategy. You are neither adding to nor subtracting from the pile of dollars invested in stocks.

Within each pair, you could suffer a loss from the tax-motivated trading. If Hewlett does worse than Adobe for the next month, you?ll be worse off there. But it?s equally likely that Hewlett will outperform Adobe.

Do this with four pairs and the most likely outcome is that you will feel smart about two of the shuffles and be smarting over the other two. Overall, you are likely to end up with a portfolio worth very close to what you would have had if you had stood frozen during the crash.

There?s a small chance that your tax shuffle will leave you (apart from taxes) materially worse off than if you had done nothing. There is an equal chance that shuffling will leave you materially better off.

So there is risk in capturing tax benefits. But trust me on the law of large numbers. The risk is much, much less than the risk you took when you went into the stock market in the first place.
What if the crash continues? Then your $65,000 pot will shrivel further (just as it would have if you had stood pat). When you?re done, you?ll have more than $15,000 of capital losses to claim.

What if the market rebounds sharply, bringing your portfolio of dogs back to $80,000? Then, despite breaking even, you can cry poor at tax time next April. You?ll have whatever tax losses you captured in the first round of trades. That would be between $5,000 and $10,000, depending on which stocks you sold during the crash.
Capital losses can absorb any amount of capital gains plus up to $3,000 a year of ordinary income (like salary).

If you are smart, you sit on winners indefinitely. That is, you never show capital gains on your tax return. In that case, $15,000 in capital losses would be used over the next five years against ordinary income. If you are in a moderately high bracket the resulting tax saving would be $5,000.

I figure the cost of the 16 trades at $185. That assumes $9 commissions and two-cent bid/ask spreads.

When you get ready to unload the duplicate positions, in September or later, familiarize yourself with your broker?s lot-identifying procedure. Before placing a trade you have to specify that the high-cost lost is the one being sold. If you mess up, you can?t correct the mistake later.


How to use Tax losses without impacting Wash Sale Rule ?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:22 pm
by greyfri
Some of us have enough carry over tax losses after 2008 to last for many, many years :-)

How to use Tax losses without impacting Wash Sale Rule ?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:23 pm
by RRK
Me too !! But I accumulated them in Dot com crash..