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Kolkata - schools etc

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:10 pm
by nvram001

I am only a week and half away from R2I. My family is already back in Kolkata.

We are trying to get our son (3 and half) admitted to a good school in Kolkata. If anyone has gone though this before, please share your experience.

I will let you guys know how we do.


Kolkata - schools etc

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:18 pm
by nvram001
This is a followup of my earlier post. I have already R2id and things are getting back to normal. Admitted my son to DPS (megacity). For those who emailed me regarding schools, I chose this school because it was easier to get in, close to where I work, very good infrastructure and ICSE. If you need more info, drop me a mail at [email][email protected][/email]

Kolkata - schools etc

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:58 pm
That is really so good.Getting a good school for your kid in Kolkata is hard and I am glad you made it ! Hope you are enjoying life, work , food :-) in Kolkata very much.I am in US for the last 2 years (plan to stay for approx 3 years more ) and get back to Kolkata.Please keep in touch.I used to work in cognizant, kolkata after my college days (2002-2004) and love the sector-v enviroenment.Which part of kolkata did you settle in ? Enjoy your life very much.Best Wishes..Sandeep ([email protected])