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Fun competition: BlogMela 2011
Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:22 am
by Ambhi
This is a fun competition: BlogMela 2011
What is it?
This is a fun competition. All you have to do is write up a blog entry and post it in this thread. It can be about anything you want to blog about. Entries can be submitted only during the submission window (please read further). Once the blog entries are submitted, there will be a review window following the submission window when other members can read and click Thank You for one or more blog entries they like. Winner will be the blog entry receiving the maximum number of Thank Yous at the end of the review period (just kidding, everyone will be a winner, though it will be interesting to see which blog entry gets the most Thank Yous).
This is an excellent chance to bring out the creativity in you.
1. Blog entries should not violate CoC (of course). :)
2. Minimum of 500 words and maximum of 1500 words per entry.
3. No Images, videos or links to other websites or other blog entries or posts within the forum. Blog entries has to be 100% original.
4. Only one blog entry per member.
5. Entries can be edited during the submission window, but cannot be edited during the review window. Any blog edited during the review window will be disqualified. The overall essence of the blog should not be changed during edits.
6. An entry should not be a repeat of any other blog already posted in the forum or in the blogs area.
7. If no entries are submitted, member Ambhi will declare himself the winner at the end of the review period.
8. Thanking this post does not add up to the compliments for my blog entry if I decide to submit one myself :)
9. The blog entry should be in English with occasional (say 10% maximum) transliterated words.
1. Being creative and humorous helps, but not mandatory, you can also make members cry.
2. No offense to any religion, sentiments, community etc.
3. Make the blog easily readable by splitting into multiple paragraphs.
4. It need not be strictly blog, it can also be your own article about some science, technology topic.
5. You may start off writing the blog entry now offline, store it in a word and then submit during the submission window.
Award: All are winners, however one receiving the most Thank Yous can keep the Virtual BlogMela award for one whole year, no monetary value associated with the award.
Note: This thread is only for blog submissions. Please use banter to discuss the blog entries or post other comments, remarks etc.
Blog Submission Window: December 14th 2011 12:00 AM EST to December 15th 2011 12:00 AM EST.
Blog Review Window: December 15th 2011 12:00 AM EST to December 23rd 2011 12:00 AM EST.
Have fun!
Fun competition: BlogMela 2011
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:35 am
by Ambhi
Looking forward to all your blog entries :)
Fun competition: BlogMela 2011
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:46 pm
by dixit
7 Effective Ways of Writing a Highly Successful Blog
Q. What is a blog?
So let?s start by defining, what a blog really is. Word ?blog? comes from old Senscrit wor?Q. You mean old ?Sanskrit? word.
Yeah, that?s what I meant. So, the word ?blog? comes from old Sanskrit word ? ?BHAI-LOG?. Blog is something written (or typed) by ?Bhai-log? for Bhai-log to Bhai-log?.hence?..Bhai-Log..or simply Blog.
Bhai log here does not just mean Bombay ke b?Q. You mean ?Mumbai Ke?..
Will you stop interrupting me???
Q. Sorry Professor,please go ahead?
So, Bhai Log here represents whole mankind?the human race. Anything about Human Race.Q. What are some of the different types of Blogs professor?
Well, there are quite a few different types of blogs. Some of the most popular are ?
CLOG ? It?s something which clogs or blocks your mind for a long time and then you release it by putting it on the web
FLOG ? It?s something you beat down people?s throats by repeating yourself in various forums and websites
SLOG ? It?s something where you have to slog and really put efforts and time to write to put your thoughts into words.Q. So professor, can a blog be all three ? Clog, Flog and Slog?
Excellent question my dear. . Excellent question.
So actually every blog is everything from Blog to Slog. Every blog is hence Blog-Slog?or in Short BS. Always remember, anything you read online is always a big BS.
Q. Got it professor. So how should I start about writing a blog.
Well, first step is coming up with a name for your blog. It can be something catchy like ? ?Tell me About it?. It?s actually a very clever way of asking others to write on your blog basically, making others do your work while you ponder on other topics such as if politicians like Mayawati or Jayalalitha are hot.
Another good name is ?Buzz? or ?Bee?s Buzz?. For some weird reason, people seem to like it. Personally, I prefer a buzz from Whiskey. But some people like a buzz from a bee.
Another extremely popular name for a blog is ?Diary?. From time immemorial, humans have always been interested in Diaries. Ever since Betty started writing her ?Dear Diary? when Archie went away with Veronica for a date to Riverdale Mall, human race has been hooked to this diary.
Word ?Diary? comes from Latin word ?Diarrhea? and it me..
Q. Sir, actually, I believe Diarrhea is Greek word.
Look here mister, its my BS, if you want to write your BS, start your own blog!!
So, word Diary is from LATIN word Diarrhea, and you can basically see why a diary or a blog will be equated to Diarrhea.
Q. Alright professor, I think I am ready to start my own blog.
Not so fast my ignorant friend. Before you start about writing a blog, you need to pick a topic. Remember, a blog is for Bhai-Log or human race.
Professor Jani describes humans = Animals + Religion
So, you can write anything about Animals in a blog. Pick any topic from the vast world of Animals.
Q. Wait a minute. If Humans = Animals + Religion, why do I have to pick a topic from Animals? Why can?t I pick religion? Something like Godmen or religious dogmas?
Have you not met Desi? Have you seen what he does to these godmen or Religious dogmas?
Q You are right . I will have to think of something else? So, professor what?s your suggestion? What should I write about for Ambhi Saar?
Well, Cow Urine has been done to death. Why don?t you work on Cow dung? Throw some of that cow dung at Ambhi saar, I am sure he will like that.
Q Will do professor. Now my next question is how is tha?
Hold on young man. My 500 words are done. I am out of here. It was nice talking to you
Q. But 500 words was bare minimum!!! Besides you said ?7? Effective Ways?7
Who are you? Professor Pythogorous Mathematician? Its my BS, I can stop whenever I want. If you don?t like it, why don?t you write your own BS about this
Q May be I will
May be you should
Q. May be I will, I will just have to check CoC
Ah. COC? so COC comes from the English word used for male species of hen. Its descry??
Fun competition: BlogMela 2011
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:17 am
by Ambhi
Cut it out dixit, now the "real" blog !!!!!!! :p
When growing up in the 80s in a middle class family, astro uncle was very intrigued by the stars in the night sky. From Orion to Ursa Major, he knew all star formations in the sky by the time he was 12 years old. When other kids his age were watching Graham Gooch ruthlessly reverse sweeping his way into the 1987 cricket world cup final, astro uncle ravenously scoured the local library for astronomy books and preferred instead to watch Carl Sagan's Cosmos with utmost fervor. He would look at the Chennai sky every night sentimentally, to make sure his favorite stars such as the Orion red giant Betelgeuse were still intact and had not exploded into Supernovae. He entirely convinced himself he would become an astrophysicist and discover alien civilizations several light years away. However what to do, he could not even afford to buy a binocular back in those days, forget about a telescope or other advanced radio frequency equipment, but his dreams kept fuming inside and his passion for science and discovery kept growing exponentially year after year.
On the other hand, life conniving with destiny fabricated it's own chart of events and astro uncle ended up earning a degree in electronics engineering instead. It didn't take very long before astro uncle realized a degree in electronics engineering was even better than astrophysics to give him a head start in his alien discovery mission. After he graduated, he joined an IT company in Chennai as a C programmer........ Duh! You may think. On the contrary astro uncle became even more excited and took every challenge life disposed off on his way as a new source of encouragement to fuel his earnest desire to achieve. He was entirely convinced with the idea that his programming skills complementing his electronics engineering skills could empower him to build a very advanced software controlled portable radio telescope to discover alien lifeforms by detecting the radio signals they transmit in outer space from millions or even billions of light years away. He started putting his mind and soul into this project outside of regular work. He invested copious amount of time mastering everything related to radio telescopes from aperture synthesis to astronomical interferometry and started putting together a design and continued to define and refine it with unsubdued vehemence for years to come.
Then he got married and settled down in a multi-storied apartment complex in Chennai. He continued to work on his project while wife was cooking bitter gourd subji everyday, but astro uncle continued unabatedly with his project working late nights. His indifference and lack of indulgence in family affairs became so (counter) productive, wife and MIL got bored trying to engage him in daily battles and actually started getting along really well in the house and were even regularly going out to late night dirty movies together.
After unimaginable dedication and hard work, the day finally came when he soldered in the last influx capacitor into his radio telescope and fixed the huge kadai that was tossed at him a few days back by his wife, as the dish serving the telescope. At last he got all ducks in a row. After years of painstaking efforts, this coffee table sized radio telescope finally was ready to be commissioned. After much ado the apartment association agreed to let astro uncle install the equipment on the terrace after astro uncle vouched that the equipment would also serve as a scare crow for all the home made papads that apartment aunties regularly dry under the sun. Astro uncle spent a weekend setting up the the radio telescope on the terrace.
After carefully pointing the dish towards the crab nebula, he turned on the radio telescope, compiled the last segment of C# program that controlled and monitored the telescope for radio signals and Voila!.......the worlds most advanced portable radio telescope designed to read radio signals from the farthest quasar to the quietest alien bowel movement, was ready and operational.
Days, weeks, months went by, astro uncle eagerly checked his computer every day for any signals from aliens. Did he get an email, fax, tweet, or at least a text from aliens? Nothing. Astro uncle was reaching the zenith of frustration. Years of study, design and commitment. No results……... and then one day it happened !!!!!!!
At around 7:30PM, he saw some data dump on the screen, frantically excited, astro uncle jumps in exhilaration. After about 15 seconds the signal stopped. That day was the most memorable day for his wife !!!!!!! Feeling blissful, astro uncle patiently awaited the next day at around the same time in front of the computer. At about 7:30PM the next day, it happened again, then again and again at the same time during the next 2 days. Astro uncle got so excited he missed his late night onsite calls and instead continued to monitor his computer. However on the fifth day the signals stopped. Astro uncle really got puzzled and worried. "Why did the aliens send these short signals", "What could have happened to the alien civilization?", "Was that a distress call?" and "Did they sent the last few transmissions before a supernova engulfed them?". He totally lost his sleep and worried about the aliens. What exactly happened to the aliens? Why they suddenly stopped sending signals?
Let's rewind back one night. Astro uncle's neighbor Ambhi mama is frantically walking in the terrace looking for something and jumps in excitement when he finds a small rectangular block about 2 inches by 3 inches in size sitting right on top of astro uncle's telescope. "There is my cell phone, I must have misplaced it 4 days back when I was walking on the terrace" he screams. He picks it up and looks at the missed call list and finds 4 missed calls from ICICI bank exactly at 7:30 PM during the last 4 days. "How many times I told them not to call me at night asking if I needed a personal loan, but thank God, I finally found my phone". So it was Ambhi mama's cell phone after all, huh? :))
Fun competition: BlogMela 2011
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:19 pm
by Ambhi
Submission deadline extended till New Year.