BlogMela September 2012: Reminiscences Of School Days
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:58 pm
I was thrilled to connect to my High School walking and cycling buddy on Facebook. School days leave lasting memories and even after several years dreams of School days do happen once in a while and the next day you wake up filled with a lot of emotions and recollections of those days.
This is a fun competition as you all know by now. All you have to do is write up a blog entry and post it in this thread on the topic.
:emrose::emrose::emrose::emrose: The topic for this BlogMela is Reminiscences Of School Days. :emrose::emrose::emrose::emrose:
Write interesting stories and recollections about your School days.
Entries can be submitted only during the submission window (please read further). Once the blog entries are submitted, there will be a review window following the submission window when other members can read and click Thank You for one or more blog entries they like. Winner will be the blog entry receiving the maximum number of Thank Yous at the end of the review period (just kidding, everyone will be a winner, though it will be interesting to see which blog entry gets the most Thank Yous).
This is an excellent chance to bring out the creativity in you.
1. Blog entries should not violate CoC (of course). :)
2. No Images, videos or links to other websites or other blog entries or posts within the forum. Blog entries have to be 100% original (real life experience you don't mind sharing or fictional).
3. Only one blog entry per member.
4. Entries can be edited during the submission window, but cannot be edited during the review window. Any blog edited during the review window will be disqualified. The overall essence of the blog should not be changed during edits.
5. An entry should not be a repeat of any other blog already posted in the forum or in the blogs area.
6. Thanking this post does not add up to the compliments for my blog entry if I decide to submit one myself :)
7. The blog entry should be in English with occasional (say 10% maximum) transliterated words.
8. Around 500 words minimum but no limit on maximum number of words.
9. OP has the option of requesting a blog be moved to banter or another thread if deemed not relevant to the topic.
1. Being creative and humorous helps, but not mandatory, you can also make members cry.
2. No offense to any religion, sentiments, community etc.
3. Make the blog easily readable by splitting into multiple paragraphs.
4. You may start off writing the blog entry now offline, store it in a word and then submit during the submission window.
Award: All are winners, however one receiving the most Thank Yous can keep the Virtual BlogMela award for one whole year, no monetary value associated with the award.
Note: This thread is only for blog submissions. I will open a separate thread to discuss submissions and feedback.
Blog Submission Window: September 15th 2012 to September 30th 2012.
Blog Review Window: October 1st 2012 to October 7th 2012.
Have fun !
This is a fun competition as you all know by now. All you have to do is write up a blog entry and post it in this thread on the topic.
:emrose::emrose::emrose::emrose: The topic for this BlogMela is Reminiscences Of School Days. :emrose::emrose::emrose::emrose:
Write interesting stories and recollections about your School days.
Entries can be submitted only during the submission window (please read further). Once the blog entries are submitted, there will be a review window following the submission window when other members can read and click Thank You for one or more blog entries they like. Winner will be the blog entry receiving the maximum number of Thank Yous at the end of the review period (just kidding, everyone will be a winner, though it will be interesting to see which blog entry gets the most Thank Yous).
This is an excellent chance to bring out the creativity in you.
1. Blog entries should not violate CoC (of course). :)
2. No Images, videos or links to other websites or other blog entries or posts within the forum. Blog entries have to be 100% original (real life experience you don't mind sharing or fictional).
3. Only one blog entry per member.
4. Entries can be edited during the submission window, but cannot be edited during the review window. Any blog edited during the review window will be disqualified. The overall essence of the blog should not be changed during edits.
5. An entry should not be a repeat of any other blog already posted in the forum or in the blogs area.
6. Thanking this post does not add up to the compliments for my blog entry if I decide to submit one myself :)
7. The blog entry should be in English with occasional (say 10% maximum) transliterated words.
8. Around 500 words minimum but no limit on maximum number of words.
9. OP has the option of requesting a blog be moved to banter or another thread if deemed not relevant to the topic.
1. Being creative and humorous helps, but not mandatory, you can also make members cry.
2. No offense to any religion, sentiments, community etc.
3. Make the blog easily readable by splitting into multiple paragraphs.
4. You may start off writing the blog entry now offline, store it in a word and then submit during the submission window.
Award: All are winners, however one receiving the most Thank Yous can keep the Virtual BlogMela award for one whole year, no monetary value associated with the award.
Note: This thread is only for blog submissions. I will open a separate thread to discuss submissions and feedback.
Blog Submission Window: September 15th 2012 to September 30th 2012.
Blog Review Window: October 1st 2012 to October 7th 2012.
Have fun !