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Commercial real estate in SF

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:18 am
by blrblr
Dear Forum members,

Does anyone have experience owning commercial real estate in SF (or in Bay Area).

I would like to know:

1. Typically rental return %
2. Yearly maintenance, tax, hsa, etc as % of investment
3. Does rent control in SF apply to commercial property?
4. Charges for property maintenance (or can you have friends/family in the area do it?)

If SF/Bay Area is not the best choice, please let me know better locations.

The budget is about $1m. I live in India.

Thanks for all the help.

Commercial real estate in SF

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:06 am
by blrblr
Got some approx numbers for SFO Commercial!
rental: $4 - $5/sft
purchase rate: $600 - 650/sft
Expenses (tax,owner exp, etc) - 3% of property value, works to almost 35% of rental income annually

Is that a good proposition?