sumeet;404538Considering the incredible and mind boggling advances science has made in a trivial period of a couple of hundred earth years and considering that many planets similar to earth (probability of their existence being high), and considering that many of them would be millions of years ahead (relative to earth's time frame), considering that many more technological advances would no doubt take place in times to come including overcoming barriers like limits of speed of light etc, considering that worm holes exist (theoretically making it possible for travel vast distances including another far away part of the universe), while it is a given that at our state of evolution it is virtually impossible to find alien life or even make contact, why is it that some body millions of years ahead of us in the game have not been/ not willing to 'make contact', makes me wonder.
You are making many broad assumptions:
1. You are assuming that civilizations of intelligent life can last millions of years. Many natural catastrophes from cooling of the stars, to other natural calamities like the ones that wiped off the dinosaurs or the Toba eruption can kill civilizations much much earlier. I seriously doubt that they would last millions of years.
2. You are assuming possibility that light barrier would be overcome with time - perhaps this is never possible. All of Einstein's and subsequent theories suggest this not to be possible.
3. Then there is synchronicity issue. For us to be contacted, the civilizaiton must have developed at the right point in time and advanced to a point to overcome the barriers of communication and then zeroed in on a specfic galaxy, the milky way and one of the obscure stars from the 100 billion stars in milky and zeroed in on us.
4. Even if all of the above happened and the communications say ended a 1000 years back which is like blink of an eye in astronomical periods and assuming that this communication was very specific, to be made very obvious, we would still have missed it.
All in all, the issues I mentioned earlier and repeated here, Age of civilizations, Time sychronicity, overcoming communication barriers and zeroing in on one of the billion trillion stars in the universe make it next to impossible that we will communicate with other intelligent civilizations.
If a detection of intelligent life elsewhere happens, we would be very lucky, but then that could be 1000 or 5000 years from now. Inspite of the technological progress we have made, we cannot even begin to imagine how much an infant we are if we compare to what will be 5000 years from today. But at the moment, communication beyond the speed of light seems impossible even with future technology based on what we know about light (what happens to the value of mass when we travel say at 0.75 times speed of light).
Even travelling at light speed, it takes billions of years to communicate with star systems in many galaxies.