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Salman khan recent case related article

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:28 pm
by mumbaikar
Found this article very informative regarding recent Salman khan case.

I was surprised to not see any thread dedicated to it. Or may be I missed it.


Salman khan recent case related article

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:58 pm
by mumbaikar
mumbaikar;673274Found this article very informative regarding recent Salman khan case.

I was surprised to not see any thread dedicated to it. Or may be I missed it.


seems like very old article. Since the case is in news, it started circulating again!!

Salman khan recent case related article

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 8:02 pm
by Rodiger
I'm not too familiar with the Salman Khan story. Can you suggest a good article so I can read what exactly is going on here?

Salman khan recent case related article

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 10:15 pm
by Dovahkiin
Well I been aware of most story as I am from Jodhpur. There are some points outsiders don't know and even I won't elaborate like why this happened on that fateful night but not on previous nights (Other hunting trips), Some secretes should remain secretes. Though Let me narrate some facts.

It's was quite common to hunt dear like animals those days. People use to hunt them now and them (not Bishnoi people but others) without facing much resistance. No one other than Salman been sentenced for hunting dear like animals here. Since then it has decreased due to so much limelight But it still happens but those who do it would expect much more resistance than late 90s. Though I can say most meat eaters in rural Jodhpur would have at-least once tasted dear/like animal's meat.

Bishnoi people can proud themselves for many things their ancestors did in PAST. Developing a lifestyle in accordance with environment, protecting wildlife and saving trees (with one glorious incident where 363 Women, Men, Children martyred themselves to protect trees. But today local Bishnoi community is viewed with much suspicion as there is hardly any crime where Bishnoi aren't deeply involved. There was a power local leader of them (Same who was involved in Salman case), he was multiple time MLA and important cabinet minister. He made a habit (I am talking like 3-4 decades back), he would get any Bishnoi released caught by police for any crime. Probably even he never thought It would become so much of a problem in future (luckily it's problem of Bishnoi community around Jodhpur only and not everywhere). Now they are most involved people in opioid smuggling, theft, vehicle jacking etc. They are also facing problem with various types of addictions. I am not stereotyping kind of guy, But as far as stereotyping can be true, It is in this case.

Salman was a moron, cocky idiot, He should have known his boundaries (back then). He has matured since then.

Salman khan recent case related article

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 10:22 pm
by VS007
People like him, Sanjay Dutt, Govinda who coddle unto Gangsters should be in jail.
Doesn't matter for what reason they are netted!

Salman khan recent case related article

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 8:28 pm
by sumachechi
Salman is still a cocky idiot who cannot act in the least