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Leaving job because you want a change?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:04 am
by IndianByDefault
Has anyone on this forum ever considered leaving a company and moving elsewhere (another city within the US) because you wanted a change of environment (for both you and family/kids)? Would you consider such a move even though everything in terms of pay, bonus, responsiblity, work-home balance, commute, vacation, benefits etc were just absolutely perfect and there is absolutely nothing to complain about? If you made the move you would have to put in the effort to find a similar package elsewhere which is probably out there but you would be doing it solely for the reason that you want a change and want to move elsewhere. I would like to hear from people who have made such moves (within the US) and what motivated them to do so.
Leaving job because you want a change?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:15 am
by LLLLWhenR2I
Three critical factors in Job
People change job/environment due to three crical factors.
Kind of work
Company Culture.
Any of the two are satisfied, one remain glued to job. Apart from work, environment changes include home and social environment.
Most of us make ourself suited to the environment bit not being able to do so with job...probably due to hassles in relocating.
Given a choice I am one of those who would change if not satisfied on either job/environment front. Environment wise I am very good....My change will be due to job in near future.
Leaving job because you want a change?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:51 am
by VS007
Yes, I have considered and even tried during the 2001 slowdown when I was laid off, but could not get a job elsewhere in CA, San Diego, Florida. In the end had to take a job in NY and from there onwards Newton's first law took over. Even then I knew that none of the places would come even close to what wall street could pay, but the cold weather and drabness of NJ always drives me away to look for the sunny south or ever happy CA.
Now too old to face interviews, but still dream of moving one day.
Leaving job because you want a change?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:50 am
by DosaiLvr
A friend of mine was employed for a short while at a company called VST Tillers and tractors in BLR. His recounted something that his boss had told him on his 1st day at work and for some strange reason has stuck w/ me. He said something to this effect "An employee is a like a rose. He joins a company, everyone there will admire him, enjoy him for a while and just like a rose, he will wither... unless he moves on..."
Unless you are making a beeline for (one of) the top position and/or have a clear shot at it, why stick around in a rut?
I am a believer in change, so take my opinion w/ a fistful of salt!
Leaving job because you want a change?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:00 pm
by Desi_by_Nature
I am planning on such a move. Although my main reasons are career related, I think a change in surroundings would be a good thing too.
Maybe i'm just sick of the Midwest weather.
It's mid-April and there's a snow storm in full fury out here in Wisconsin which has already dropped about 5 inches of snow.
Leaving job because you want a change?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:25 pm
by soomdy
I some times dream of doing this.
Currently am in Atlanta, GA. Nice climate for about 8-9 months in a year and during winter it never snows here. Good desi population in office and everywhere in Alpharetta and at times , i feel GORAS are in India. Good jobs , good schools , good desi restaurants etc.
I dream of settling in CA somewhere, I don't know why ( May be bcos i love good climate thru out the year and I love living by the ocean). I only dream and don't take action on it bcos
1) Have plans to r2i in a year or two.
2) CA is very costly. I heard when gas is 2.50 $ in Atlanta , it is 3.50 in CA.
3) Buying a similar property like Atlanta in CA will be like a million $ home which i cannot afford.
4) Kid will have to make good friends again here.
5) Look for good jobs for both of us.
6) Recently a friend of mine moved from CA back to Miniapolis. He was paying about 1700 $s for a 3 BR apt. I haven't seen such dirty apts anywhere in US so far for such high rates. Even my 700 $s 2 br rent apt in Atlanta few years back was much newer and cleaner.
7) My friend was also cribbing about not so good schools here in CA.
So, I think am better of taking vacation to CA once in a while than settling there :emwink: .
Leaving job because you want a change?
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:11 am
by chaps
I am currently looking for another opportunity as my job is much
slower than originally anticipated. Also, it seems like I'm stuck in
a company that's pretty backward in terms of using structured
management principles and abhors the use of systems and standard
methodologies. The Employer has no clothes and few seem to realize
it ...;-)
My wife is happy with her job and we love living in RTP. With R2I on the horizon,
unless I find a dream job inertia will keep us here until we move.
However, we still dream of settling down in Santa Barbara....maybe one day :emteeth:
Leaving job because you want a change?
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:20 pm
by IndianByDefault
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. My main motivation for moving is a change of environment. I have lived near the chicago area and immensly enjoy the eastern shores of lake michigan during the summer times. I am tolerant of winter weather and enjoy it sometimes but of late the setting around here has started to get a little boring. Both the family and I would like a change of scene. I am very happy on the job front which is what keeps me from making a change. Of late I have been considering moving to the bay area or Texas although majority of wife and my family are in the NY/NJ area. My In-laws are US citizens and spend 6 months of the year in NJ and six in Delhi which is a motivation for my wife to move there.
Leaving job because you want a change?
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:17 pm
by Ghostwhowalks
Deciding on a place to settle is actually quite a profound exercise as I am finding. I have moved quite a bit in my life so far and it has always been driven by opportunities. But as we get into a family setting, constraints increase. I am also discovering that dynamics of the economy will aways be there and so while you may be cushy in yor job today, the situation may not be the same 3 years from now. I am beginning to feel that at some point, the place you decide to move to should almost be independent of what your career situation is. If you find a place that is good (the way you define it) for everyone in the family, you should try to get a job in that place or find jobs (like consulting etc) where your location is for the most part indifferent. Its hard to predict what the future has in store for you in terms of career, but you can control all the other variables. Its important for kids/family to have continuity/linkages with education and social life. Its the only way we all can can build lifelong friendships and kids can have a place they can call home. At least thats where my thoughts reside today