work from home/part time jobs in IT for java developers
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:21 pm
Hello Everyone,
Are there any part time jobs/work from home available in IT in hyderabad/secunderabad/bangalore?
I am planning to work for 5 months once i r2i, then take a medical leave of 3-4 months before I start working again.
Are there any companies that offer such jobs? I am primarily into java development.
any websites that list these kind of jobs?
Are there any part time jobs/work from home available in IT in hyderabad/secunderabad/bangalore?
I am planning to work for 5 months once i r2i, then take a medical leave of 3-4 months before I start working again.
Are there any companies that offer such jobs? I am primarily into java development.
any websites that list these kind of jobs?