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Document Print Help! - Windows 7

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:26 am
by tnadu
While printing a particular page (for example the first page) of the 20 paged document (pdf or any website output), the page details comes up as 1 of 20 which is logical

Is there any way to ensure that it comes up as 1 of 1 even though it is an extract of the 20 paged document.

Sorry if my question is not so clear but seems difficult to explain it better.

Help appreciated!

Document Print Help! - Windows 7

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:08 am
by chandan2011
Do you juz need all the 20 pages to get print or you juz need the selected ones only.

Document Print Help! - Windows 7

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:30 am
by dbs
tnadu;411409Is there any way to ensure that it comes up as 1 of 1 even though it is an extract of the 20 paged document.

You r confusing it with the Word generated header/footer.
pdf has this as part of pdf.
Best idea would be to print it. Cover the 1 of 20 and take a photocopy. Then if necesary over print with 1 of 1 and take a photocopy again.

What r you trying? Bush,Blair and co were a past master at it.