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Suggestions for visitors health insurance

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:01 pm
by IndianByDefault
I am trying to find some good insurance plans for visiting parents. Does anyone have any suggestions of plans that they have used?

Suggestions for visitors health insurance

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:21 pm
by Suri

Suggestions for visitors health insurance

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:01 pm
by IndianByDefault
Thank you Suri.

Suggestions for visitors health insurance

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:12 pm
by swadesh
I have used India network link Suri has provided. recentl a friend of mine took Tata AIG from India for his parents. He end up treating his mother here for some illness the plan turn out to be good as it covered good percentage of charges for Dr. visits.


Suggestions for visitors health insurance

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:56 am
by DoctorJ

I have used the insurance provided by India network for my visiting parents and had horribly bad experience.

Before hospitalization, I checked (and double checked) with the service providers to make sure hospitalization for the said condition was covered. Eventually, they turned me down saying it was a pre-existing condition. It was nightmarish to say the least. Eversince, my parents have been very reluctant travel anywhere outside India - let alone visit me here.

My intent is not to scare anybody. Instead I'm just sharing my experience.

The foundation of insurance industry is Fraud. -DJ :cool:

Suggestions for visitors health insurance

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:48 am
by Suri
Here's another one

Has anyone used the Travelers Liberty policy from this site? Any opinions?

Suggestions for visitors health insurance

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:22 am
by srinu
Very good place to buy visitors health insurance is

They are insurance brokers and work in your best interest. Therefore, if you have any problems, they would help you.

I had to use the insurance purchased from them and there were really very helpful. Their service is good, response is very prompt and rates are very reasonable.

Suggestions for visitors health insurance

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:50 pm
by schinnaraj
DoctorJ;10003I have used the insurance provided by India network for my visiting parents and had horribly bad experience.

they turned me down saying it was a pre-existing condition. It was nightmarish to say the least.

When did this happened? When you bought the insurance did they say that they would cover pre-existing condition? I got mail from the above insurance a year back saying that they would cover pre-existing conditions, so I'm under the impression that they would cover pre-existing condition and thinking of using this company when I bring in my parents.


Suggestions for visitors health insurance

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:44 pm
by DoctorJ
When did this happened? When you bought the insurance did they say that they would cover pre-existing condition? I got mail from the above insurance a year back saying that they would cover pre-existing conditions, so I'm under the impression that they would cover pre-existing condition and thinking of using this company when I bring in my parents.



It's been a while since my parents visited me here. But then, getting hurt here in the US was not a pre-existing condition (although diabetes was). I also double (acutally half a dozen times) checked with the providers before going through with hospitalization.

In any case, I'd strongly suggest that you think twice (and possibly talk to other experienced people) before making a decision. On my part, I was totally ticked off and have conculded that it's a (medical and auto insurance) fraud business eversince.

The word of advice is "Be judgemental about other's experiences". -DJ :cool:

Suggestions for visitors health insurance

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:43 pm
by theMan
I second DoctorJ's statements. It was a nightmare for my parents as well who got their insurance from India. Basically, the Indian insurance just serves as an agency and in most cases do not have the decision making authority. They will invariably be able to classify almost every ailment as "existing condition". However with a doctor's help in our family, we were able to get back about 5K after 6 months and 100s of hours spent over phone and personal visits to the Insurance office in Mumbai.
These days, many Indian doctors in major metros treat "visiting patients" without charging an arm and a leg. Obviously , any major ailment that requires hospitalization will be better served with insurance that is purchased in the US itself. More importantly , many hospitals can contact them directly to get approval for treatment. If they are unable to do so ( in case of International insurance), they will go ahead with the treatment in most cases and you will be stuck with a big bill on one hand and a non cooperative insurance company on the other.