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Have you experienced the "Imposter Syndrome"?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 10:04 pm
by boca
First read this:

Susan Pinker is the sister of famed evolutionary psychologist, Steven Pinker.

Then, do the poll. I have set it up to be anonymous poll.

Options I selected:

1. I have experienced it myself and I am a woman.
2. I have experienced it myself and I am a man.
3. I have experienced it myself and I prefer not state my gender.
4. I have observed other women experience it.
5. I have observed other men experience it.
6. There is nothing like "imposter syndrome"!

Have you experienced the "Imposter Syndrome"?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 10:11 pm
by boca
I do concur with Susan Pinker, in that I have observed successful women have self-doubt. I have had the experience of talking with them and letting them know how much I value their expertise and they have no reason to have such doubt about their capabilities and/or success.

I have also observed men who have self-doubt. But typically, in comparison to the women with self-doubt, the men who expressed self-doubt were not as successful in their life. Thus, left surprised why successful women would doubt themselves.

Just a little tiny experience of my personal observation on this subject. Never thought much about it till I came across this article by Susan Pinker.

Have you experienced the "Imposter Syndrome"?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 10:20 pm
by Desi
Of course, there will be some that will have such self doubt. I myself think of all that I do not know, areas i am weak in but I do not let that hinder my thoughts in areas where I know that I am good at so i will not categorize myself in having imposter syndrome. I find it extremely hard to digest that 93% of female African American college students feel this way. I would take a single such study with a large dose of salt.

I have not experienced it myself. I also do not specifically know a man or a woman who has experienced such. But I also feel that without question there will be certain percentage of people who suffer from such a syndrome (if that is what we choose to call it), so none of the options in the poll match with my view.

My view is that such a syndrome exists but I personally have not experienced it, nor do I know about someone having gone thru it. I may know the person going thru it, but what I do not know if they are going thru it or suffering it. So why do I think that such syndrome exists when I personally do not know anyone. It is because common sense, that some will be suffering such thoughts, insecurities.

Have you experienced the "Imposter Syndrome"?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:59 pm
by dbs
I am not certain that I have this syndrome but may be I do. Does that automatically put me into the second category.

I have had a good scholastic record. Right from school to univ, I have never had to study hard. My class mates were always envious of me. Was my success undeserving? No, I have never given it a thought. But, yes, I have always blamed myself for my failures even at the same time shrugging these off. Continued success did not add any anxiety.

I have had lot of thought about it.

Academic success, mild success in sports and lack of hard work; probably got me some likers during the academic days. Employment and consulting also got me a few more likers probably because of my objective analytical abilities and willing to go the extra mile.

Strangely, on second thought probably not, that never got me elated or a swollen head; it is as if I do not care but I do, I do a lot.

What has got me seriously worried is that people I desperately want to like me, apparently do not.

Still that does not fill me with self-doubt, though I do internalise the blame on myself for lacking certain skills. At the same time, I have been too lazy to improve the skills I am deficient in.

You can see from above that I am a confused lot. Do not know what to think and what not to think. One would think that it would be worrisome but strangely, it is not.
Dear wine. You were supposed to make me sexier, funnier and a better dancer.
I saw the video. We need to talk.