It is important to realize that a lot of investors can read and develop expertise to manage their portfolio. On this forum I find a lot of people who are very good and can for sure manage their portfolio for almost all need.
So when would one need a ?fee-only? financial planner.
If you are an emotional investor and tend to get away from your asset allocation by putting too much into very risky asset classes then you may be a financial planner will be helpful. To save you from yourself. Almost all investors get carried away but if you do too much harm to your portfolio then maybe the right professional is worth hiring.
When your interest in investment is not much then hiring the right financial planner to manage your assets could be a smart decision.
Lot of people do not realize that while they may be very knowledgeable, their spouse has no interest in the stock market or managing their portfolio. In an unfortunate event that one spouse passes away the financial planner can keep the finances steady especially considering the tough circumstances that they have to deal with.
When your situation is complicated a professional who deals with those issues on a regular basis would help you deal with them in the right manner.
I personally think that ?fee-only? are different from ?fee-based? (sounds similar) or commission based financial planners. A number of those who claim to be financial planners or financial consultants are just sales people. These sales people may not have much to gain by taking care of the investors as their earnings are based on commission when they get someone to be their clients and do not manage their assets.
?Fee-only? financial planners have no conflicts of interest and only get paid by their clients. Like doctors and lawyers ?fee-only? financial make sure that their clients interest comes first. Also, they are fiduciary and hold themselves to a higher standard.
It is possible that my views are biased and would want to hear from all of you guys.