PeterGriffin;216824Will you work for a tobacco company? No - the smell of tobacco makes me nauseous!
Will you work for a alcohol company? Yeah..though a non-drinker, i wouldn't mind working for a company that sells alcohol!
Will you work (as a programmer, database admin, QA etc) for a company that sells adult contents? No! I don't think i can do that. I don't want to explain to my future employer that i was instrumental in the design of the latest sex toy "JackHammer 2000"! or i was the graphics designer in the latest Ron Jeremy movie!
Oh PG! You shouldn't have written this!
Is it ok to change my policy now? :)
I'm interviewing with a company in one of these industries and I started to think about my principles and crap like that. The role is really good and matches with my expectations. There's still a fair bit to go with regards to the hiring process but I'm starting to think about it.