President Trump - the saga continues (for the next 4 years) - Part 2

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President Trump - the saga continues (for the next 4 years) - Part 2

Post by R2I-Admin »

New thread for President Trump!
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President Trump - the saga continues (for the next 4 years) - Part 2

Post by realgoogler »

Do you think the Swamp is going to let him get away for draining billions of dollars of corrupt money from DC ? Do you think the money addicted government machinery ( trillions not billions) is going to adjust with leaner budget ? Do you think the Insurance and health care lobby , Wall Street money managers , College Administrators with their 10% fee increase Y-o-Y ever want to be accountable ?

So he is powerless and useless before the swamp. The swamp he got to build with Goldman Sachs and Exxon Mobile.
Colleges are pretty reasonable in fees when you compare to Trump University. But Trump University is the golden standard for accountability though.

Obviously not . Why do you think many from Mueller legal team members are Democratic contributors ? Its not only to teach MR.T a lesson but for next generation of Repub/Dem leaders ...

I was so mad when they got a registered republican to run the special counsel. Just to shut the democrats he hires some name sake democratic minion lawyers. This is what they are saying in the otherr fake news and I believe in it.

[QUOTE]Disclaimer : Yes, I did taste Trump wine.
Explains it all. Glad my assumption is true.
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President Trump - the saga continues (for the next 4 years) - Part 2

Post by crickit »

[INDENT]Well..Well..Well..Its looks like Vacation time for our favorite leader ..Now , seriously , how can he be tired ? He hasn't worked in 6 months except for some Island hopping and European golf...Hmm , some people have all the luck in their life :)

Why is a former President's vacation even remotely relevant ? In particular, why is it relevant to the hypocrisy of a current President, who spent lots of time tweeting about how he would take no vacay as Prez. and then breaks all records regarding vacation ?

The only relevance seems to be that worshipers of The GruppenFuhrer seem to quite often suffer from Obama Derangment Syndrome. And so, they need something for their usual Two Minutes (but it seems more like 2 years) Hate. From 1984,

. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness,... seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp.[SUP][URL=""]

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President Trump - the saga continues (for the next 4 years) - Part 2

Post by crickit »

[INDENT]Do you think Wall Street money managers ..... ever want to be accountable ?

Trump is indeed the terror of Wall Street Managers ! Consider the attempts to repeal Dodd Frank, for instance. As well as a big tax cut for the highest bracket ! And trying to cut back/abolish the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau !

It is unclear to me how these actions are populist or hold Wall Street accountable, but clearly Trump worshipers have no trouble with this DoubleThink. From 1984,

The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them… To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies—all this is indispensably necessary.
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President Trump - the saga continues (for the next 4 years) - Part 2

Post by VS007 »

Few days back we debated the reasons for why Trump won. Watch this Fareed Zakaria's program!

Among many reasons he identifies
how Trump hones his message since 90s
Ohio and loss of jobs
Hillarys tone deafness on jobs
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President Trump - the saga continues (for the next 4 years) - Part 2

Post by kumm »

VS007;660543Few days back we debated the reasons for why Trump won. Watch this Fareed Zakaria's program!

Among many reasons he identifies
how Trump hones his message since 90s
Ohio and loss of jobs
Hillarys tone deafness on jobs

May be another stolen one.
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President Trump - the saga continues (for the next 4 years) - Part 2

Post by Hyderabadi »

I wonder how the T supporters are going to justify the event of Virginia, specially the non-whites. Will they find the strength to condemn it or will their hatred/ego stop them from doing it?
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