Dress code ??

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Dress code ??

Post by Koeli »

What is the dress code for women interviewing for scientific positions at Pharmaceutical industries in India? I wore pant suits for interviews here, but I dont want to overdress either. So any advise will be appreciated. I have an interview immediately the next day I land in India. I am hoping my luggage arrives safely, if not then I may not be able to wear a pant suit.
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Dress code ??

Post by XOXO »

Koeli;340542What is the dress code for women interviewing for scientific positions at Pharmaceutical industries in India? I wore pant suits for interviews here, but I dont want to overdress either. So any advise will be appreciated. I have an interview immediately the next day I land in India. I am hoping my luggage arrives safely, if not then I may not be able to wear a pant suit.

I would probably keep it indianised western. Legging with a knee length top (no cuts at sides). Nothing sleeveless but probably half sleeves or 3/4 sleeves. Would wear a watch, no bangles, no bindi, no dangling ear rings, no necklace either (no mangalsutra atall). Would probably stick to V neck and not round neck for top and high heel shoes showing nicely pedicured feet (now you won't have time to do pedicure and all so close toed shoes will do)
Would not go with Punjabi Dress though....seems too retro.
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Dress code ??

Post by OffWeGo »

No idea about scientific/pharma roles but isb/mba types often wear a regular pant suit, so I don't think anybody who knows you are an Amru PhD would find that an odd choice. In the services industry, for more junior roles like entry-level analyst, people show up in everything from salwars to shirt-slacks (no suits). It all seems acceptable so long as you are well-groomed, choose sober colors, and don't have too much jewelry or make-up. I think magalsutra is fine.
Hyd ki
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Dress code ??

Post by Hyd ki »

I went in a Punjabi dress for all the interviews. I wore a necklace, two bangles and a watch.

In US, I wore a suit (skirt +sleeveless top + jacket above) and stockings, for the interviews. You can still wear this, in places like Mumbai, but definitely NOT in Hyd.

I brought some shirts, pants for the interviews in India, but Punjabi dress felt appropriate for me. Its just a personal choice without much controversy.
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Dress code ??

Post by cabo »

Hyd Ki

I think the " punjabi" that you are referring to a plain simple salwar. we S Indians call those punjabis. The " punjabi" that XOXO is referring to is probably - the very baggy, layered/flaired lowers, with relatively shorter kurtas. It is better to avoid very baggy lowers and stick to plain salwar/leggings/chudidars.
Hyd ki
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Dress code ??

Post by Hyd ki »


You got me right. I was referring to a simple Salwar. I did not remember this word and as u rightly pointed out, SIndians refer them as Punjabi dresses.
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