Does any body have any experience in taking Bose Home Theater System to India?
How much is the custom on a 5-series if you pay? Other suggestions welcome!
Did anybody get harrased by the white-clothed mamus at the airport?
Any issues in the installation?
Other suggestions would be appreciated.
* RockOn *
BOSE Home Theater System to India
BOSE Home Theater System to India
I have taken a Bose System to India, it was inder TR and more than 1 year old, so no duty.
There should be no issue about installation.
Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Soup?
There should be no issue about installation.
Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Soup?
BOSE Home Theater System to India
I did , Its BOSE 48(4 yeasr Old) , The moment the guy saw the BOSE systems he charged around 25,000
Yes check out he list of items allowed , Music system comes under 15% tax (after depr) ..
Again this happened in Chennai Port ...DBS , You are lucky man !!!! :-((
Yes check out he list of items allowed , Music system comes under 15% tax (after depr) ..
Again this happened in Chennai Port ...DBS , You are lucky man !!!! :-((