thirupathir;461113We are from Chennai, living in USA for past 10 years, US Citizens.
Our daughter is doing 3rd grade and going to 4th grade. I am battling whether should I go back to India now or in few years. Few things I am worried staying in USA:
1. Once she gets old, will she stay with us?
How old ? How long do you want her to stay with you ? If she gets admission in a town outside of where you live, what do you want her to do ?
2. Once she gets job, will she move away from us?
Same as above. If she gets a job or gets married outside of where you live, what do you want her to do ?
3. When we get older, will she take care of us?
Same as above. You have to think if her post-college obligation is to you or to herself, her husband, her kids & her career - I'm sure you realize that at any given point of time she may have multiple issues on these fronts going on that she needs to balance and resolve. Are you OK imposing your & your wife's care taking to her on top of all this ?
4. If we decide to return later, will it it be too late?
Too late for what ? For retirement, probably not, for kids it depends I've seen kids as old as 10 - 15 years get adjusted very well in Bangalore and Chennai and I've seen kids who are really mad at their parents for bringing them to screwed-up third world.
If I return now, few things I am worried about in India.
1. How will I find a job in India from USA?
Its a pain, but doable if you have old contacts, as well as contacts within the India office of your current firm. See other threads on this topic.
2. Does my daughter needs to know Tamil or Hindi?
3. Which are the good International Schools in Chennai?
4. What are the challenges we would face?
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5. My daughter has not seen the cruise, disney land(cali), disney land(orlando), more and more. I am sad she is going to miss all these things.
Why cant you buy a ticket for you & your kid during summer & travel from Chennai to Florida ? BTW, Disneyworld is in Tokyo, HongKong, Shanghai et al. You dont have to come all the way to US for that. There are zillion cruises out of Hong Kong & Singapore.
What should I do? Please help me.
Dont sweat this too much. Either way you do things, something or the other will turn out wrong. You'll never feel completley right about any decision you take in life. As long as you are not screwing up her education and are equipping her to deal with her life on her own, I would recommend you to figure out a post-retirement plan independent of support from your kids. If they are nearby and you can visit frequently, consider it a bonus.
Just my 2 cents.